Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today I learned...

That I really love it when my children become best freinds!!
And then as we were watching a movie that night together, she sneaked off to clean his room for him - I wasn't complaining - playing Star Wars can make a HUGE mess!! :)



  1. Hey girl!

    It's been awhile--I think of you and hope you're doing better with recovery and all!

    That has to be the sweetest thing ever. My kid would never clean her sibling's room. That is one special kid you have there!

  2. Hey Camryn - doing well, I've had about 4 or 5 months now of virtually pain free. God is so good. I give Him all the glory. At my last doctors appointment he said he couldn't explain why I wasn't in bad pain, I told him I could :)
    Thanks for commenting. - By the way, I've been really busy with my website that I haven't posted much - have you seen it lately?
